Italy Defeating Covid?
Covid-19 has impacted all of us in very different ways. Whether you had to leave school,your job or even lose a relative, either way, every country had dealt with it differently. Not so long after the corona virus hit China, it also impacted some European countries like Italy, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. It has been about seven to eight months since the virus arrived and some countries are already having a rebound/second surge but fortunately, out of its neighbors, Italy has been the best at keeping cases low and more healthy people.
In this “Second Surge”, Italy has kept the cases at about 1,500 throughout the whole country, while France and Spain have reported more than 10,000 new cases in the past few days. But the question is why? Well, to begin with the explanation, something that helped Italy do tremendously well was the closing and openings of public areas, as of France and Spain who closed things much later and opened earlier. “I think the reason why Italy is doing so much better is because italians do respect the safety measures such as to wear masks, wash their hands, social distance, etc” states 14 year-old Aylin Lopez. However, there is really no evidence that italians were more cautious since France and Spain were doing the same according to Dr. Nino Cartabellotta.
Even Though, the evidence about following the safety guidelines was not what really helped Italy, the importance of wearing a mask everywhere you go is still a must and you can help save many lives just by doing something as simple as that. Paris Espinoza, a world issue passionate student, says “I think that if Italy were completely close all of its borders and airports the virus could literally just go away because of how good they are doing.” The answer to that may vary since we do not know if that would totally make a big impact, but it would be nice to give it a try.
Italy has not been the only smart country to do something good for their citizens. Russia had at least done very well at the beginning of the pandemic by immediately closing all borders with China at the time. The United States, on the other hand, has surpassed 7 million confirmed covid cases in front of India who now have more than 6 million confirmed cases. However, not everything has to be so sad because we have Italy recovering nicely from covid, along with a few territories like Kiribati, marshall islands, nauru, and North Korea. We still have a long way to go and recover from this pandemic and remember that positivity is key.
In this “Second Surge”, Italy has kept the cases at about 1,500 throughout the whole country, while France and Spain have reported more than 10,000 new cases in the past few days. But the question is why? Well, to begin with the explanation, something that helped Italy do tremendously well was the closing and openings of public areas, as of France and Spain who closed things much later and opened earlier. “I think the reason why Italy is doing so much better is because italians do respect the safety measures such as to wear masks, wash their hands, social distance, etc” states 14 year-old Aylin Lopez. However, there is really no evidence that italians were more cautious since France and Spain were doing the same according to Dr. Nino Cartabellotta.
Even Though, the evidence about following the safety guidelines was not what really helped Italy, the importance of wearing a mask everywhere you go is still a must and you can help save many lives just by doing something as simple as that. Paris Espinoza, a world issue passionate student, says “I think that if Italy were completely close all of its borders and airports the virus could literally just go away because of how good they are doing.” The answer to that may vary since we do not know if that would totally make a big impact, but it would be nice to give it a try.
Italy has not been the only smart country to do something good for their citizens. Russia had at least done very well at the beginning of the pandemic by immediately closing all borders with China at the time. The United States, on the other hand, has surpassed 7 million confirmed covid cases in front of India who now have more than 6 million confirmed cases. However, not everything has to be so sad because we have Italy recovering nicely from covid, along with a few territories like Kiribati, marshall islands, nauru, and North Korea. We still have a long way to go and recover from this pandemic and remember that positivity is key.