Total Drama Island
By: Angelina Hardy
Total Drama Island is an animated program that aired on multiple networks from 2007-2014, the show was first broadcast in Canada on the Teletoon network. In 2008 the program aired on the American channel Cartoon Network 2008. After that, Total Drama Island went international by airing in countries in South America and Europe. Total Drama Island is a group of random teenagers who get together and form two teams and try to survive the island's challenges. In the end, whoever completes all the challenges gets a hundred thousand dollars.
Many viewers claim that the show is not for kids. The first network that aired the program states," Total Drama is a Canadian adult animated reality comedy television series." When the program aired on Cartoon Network, they edited for teens. Total Drama Island has a lot of inappropriate jokes throughout the seasons and the unedited ones have inappropriate scenes. However, the show was viewed by ages ten and up. A student at Hillgrove, Maya Smith states, " When I was younger, I watched the show, and I did not see anything inappropriate."
The versions that aired are unique because each character has a characteristic that makes them different, but they all have a common goal the teens share is to have all the other players eliminated, then win all the challenges and win the money. Total Drama Island is very entertaining to watch. According to a Pebblebrook student, Anthony Smith, “I love that show because each character acts differently in their way, and the characters are so funny.”
Therefore, the next time you want to watch a cartoon that does not include learning shapes, the series Total Drama island should be the next program you watch. The show has multiple scenes that are hilarious, and the characters are somewhat relatable. Certain challenges make you think about what you would do in that situation. However,some viewers may find it boring at times because the show repeats the challenges, and certain characters act the same as previous characters on different seasons or would reappear in seasons. The program is on Netflix or Amazon with full episodes and seasons. The show is also abnormal because some episodes are not possible to achieve and illegal acts for instance, the host would put the player’s life in danger with the food they serve them and the dangerous challenges, but the host of the show makes jokes about the situations in which real-life characters could get hurt.
Many viewers claim that the show is not for kids. The first network that aired the program states," Total Drama is a Canadian adult animated reality comedy television series." When the program aired on Cartoon Network, they edited for teens. Total Drama Island has a lot of inappropriate jokes throughout the seasons and the unedited ones have inappropriate scenes. However, the show was viewed by ages ten and up. A student at Hillgrove, Maya Smith states, " When I was younger, I watched the show, and I did not see anything inappropriate."
The versions that aired are unique because each character has a characteristic that makes them different, but they all have a common goal the teens share is to have all the other players eliminated, then win all the challenges and win the money. Total Drama Island is very entertaining to watch. According to a Pebblebrook student, Anthony Smith, “I love that show because each character acts differently in their way, and the characters are so funny.”
Therefore, the next time you want to watch a cartoon that does not include learning shapes, the series Total Drama island should be the next program you watch. The show has multiple scenes that are hilarious, and the characters are somewhat relatable. Certain challenges make you think about what you would do in that situation. However,some viewers may find it boring at times because the show repeats the challenges, and certain characters act the same as previous characters on different seasons or would reappear in seasons. The program is on Netflix or Amazon with full episodes and seasons. The show is also abnormal because some episodes are not possible to achieve and illegal acts for instance, the host would put the player’s life in danger with the food they serve them and the dangerous challenges, but the host of the show makes jokes about the situations in which real-life characters could get hurt.