In modern society, our lives revolve around social media. Whether we like it or not, many tend to have an unhealthy relationship with the platforms. It takes away valuable time, distracts us, and befouls your state of mind. Though taking a social media break can effectively change these things for us. To Makayla Evans, a sophomore at Hillgrove High School, she believes taking a social media break looks like “Focusing on what it distracts you from” and “Not accessing your socials at all.” Deleting the apps, turning off the notifications, and enjoying the downtime can make such a difference in many aspects of your life.
Why take a break? Social media not only affects your productive time, but also your mental health. According to “sclhealth”, social media makes you a lot more aware of what is happening in your world and if you don’t feel you are amounting to what others are posting, it can have a negative effect on you. It makes you observe the small details creating thoughts such as why your life doesn’t look like the one's others are posting. Constantly comparing yourself to others. This is an example of social media's mental health impact. It has a "Negative aftermath because of self-image and having your own opinions" says Dylan Mcferrien, another High School student. It can deteriorate your mental health and exhaust you. On top of everyday responsibilities, it can send you into burnout.
The media platform can be a blackhole. You get sucked into videos or stories and you can’t seem to stop scrolling. In Makayla Evans opinion, she finds “Tik Tok” and “Instagram” as her favorite social media app due to it being “more me” and “Tik Tok matches me the most.” Though, Makayla also states “When I don't know how to deal with something I just get on social media to distract me.” Using the social world as a coping mechanism can go right and wrong in their own ways. Putting aside your emotions for social media can take a massive toll from stacking negativity. Instead of doing productive things, choosing the media does not allow you to get things done from work, homework, or even the processing of your own emotions.
Being on social media constantly can create an addiction. When you’re trying to complete tasks, the minute your mind wonders, you grab your phone, scroll, see a video or two, and 1 minute of social media turns into an hour and a half. Based off “choosingtherapy”, signs you should take a break from social media include; neglecting your priorities due to the addictive social media scrolling, experiences comparison and negative emotion, and not being able to focus.” Setting your phone aside and making a list of your priorities and tasks at hand is very helpful when wanting to get things done.
As said before, the world revolves around social media. Everyone wants to know everything going on around them and experience the temporary dopamine from seeing a funny video or enjoying a Tik Tok on their feed. Check in with yourself, see where you are mentally and productively. Maybe you could use a social media break!
Why take a break? Social media not only affects your productive time, but also your mental health. According to “sclhealth”, social media makes you a lot more aware of what is happening in your world and if you don’t feel you are amounting to what others are posting, it can have a negative effect on you. It makes you observe the small details creating thoughts such as why your life doesn’t look like the one's others are posting. Constantly comparing yourself to others. This is an example of social media's mental health impact. It has a "Negative aftermath because of self-image and having your own opinions" says Dylan Mcferrien, another High School student. It can deteriorate your mental health and exhaust you. On top of everyday responsibilities, it can send you into burnout.
The media platform can be a blackhole. You get sucked into videos or stories and you can’t seem to stop scrolling. In Makayla Evans opinion, she finds “Tik Tok” and “Instagram” as her favorite social media app due to it being “more me” and “Tik Tok matches me the most.” Though, Makayla also states “When I don't know how to deal with something I just get on social media to distract me.” Using the social world as a coping mechanism can go right and wrong in their own ways. Putting aside your emotions for social media can take a massive toll from stacking negativity. Instead of doing productive things, choosing the media does not allow you to get things done from work, homework, or even the processing of your own emotions.
Being on social media constantly can create an addiction. When you’re trying to complete tasks, the minute your mind wonders, you grab your phone, scroll, see a video or two, and 1 minute of social media turns into an hour and a half. Based off “choosingtherapy”, signs you should take a break from social media include; neglecting your priorities due to the addictive social media scrolling, experiences comparison and negative emotion, and not being able to focus.” Setting your phone aside and making a list of your priorities and tasks at hand is very helpful when wanting to get things done.
As said before, the world revolves around social media. Everyone wants to know everything going on around them and experience the temporary dopamine from seeing a funny video or enjoying a Tik Tok on their feed. Check in with yourself, see where you are mentally and productively. Maybe you could use a social media break!