By: Madison McCann
On November 23, 2022, Netflix released one of their most anticipated shows of the year, the “spin-off” of the Addams family “Wednesday.” Created and directed by Miles Millar, Alfred Gough, and Tim Burton. This fantasy, comedy, horror Netflix Original “Follows Wednesday Addams' years as a student, when she attempts to master her emerging psychic ability, thwart and solve the mystery that embroiled her parents.” (IMDB) I have heard and seen many ads about this show, and thought it was overrated, but Jenna Ortega was brilliant in the role. Tim Burton producing the show brings a new aspect and brings characters to life. The fans love the show too. It is rated an 8.5/10 on IMDB and is currently the 3rd most popular (English) Netflix show with over 752.52 million views. At the rate it is going, it may reach and exceed record “Stranger Things” numbers.
The show has gory moments and some adult themes but Netflix rates it for 12 and over. Due to the past success of the Addams family franchise I was interested in hearing opinions from those around me. The first Addams family show aired on September 18, 1964, but the show that made them famous “The New Addams Family” aired on October 19, 1998. Millennial, Ivey Carson says “This is the Addams Family show that I watched when I was younger,” And she explained that she knew Wednesday as “the comedic gothic older sister.” She is an avid Netflix watcher and believes she will watch the show soon, because she watched when she was younger, and has heard many great things. Recently there was another movie released in 2019 “The Addams Family” cartoon. Senior, Cameron Jones says “ This is the last Addams Family movie I’ve seen, and I really enjoyed this movie, although it was out of my comfort zone, I think I’ll enjoy the new series as well.” Also stating that he is excited to “learn more about Wednesdays character, without relation to her family.” This show has been heavily advertised on social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Tik Tok. But Senior, Evan Pruitt says “I have not watched the show and will never watch it.” I personally really enjoyed the show a lot and would even watch it again. I love any and everything supernatural. I hope there is a second season of the show, because I believe that Wednesdays story is far from over.
On November 23, 2022, Netflix released one of their most anticipated shows of the year, the “spin-off” of the Addams family “Wednesday.” Created and directed by Miles Millar, Alfred Gough, and Tim Burton. This fantasy, comedy, horror Netflix Original “Follows Wednesday Addams' years as a student, when she attempts to master her emerging psychic ability, thwart and solve the mystery that embroiled her parents.” (IMDB) I have heard and seen many ads about this show, and thought it was overrated, but Jenna Ortega was brilliant in the role. Tim Burton producing the show brings a new aspect and brings characters to life. The fans love the show too. It is rated an 8.5/10 on IMDB and is currently the 3rd most popular (English) Netflix show with over 752.52 million views. At the rate it is going, it may reach and exceed record “Stranger Things” numbers.
The show has gory moments and some adult themes but Netflix rates it for 12 and over. Due to the past success of the Addams family franchise I was interested in hearing opinions from those around me. The first Addams family show aired on September 18, 1964, but the show that made them famous “The New Addams Family” aired on October 19, 1998. Millennial, Ivey Carson says “This is the Addams Family show that I watched when I was younger,” And she explained that she knew Wednesday as “the comedic gothic older sister.” She is an avid Netflix watcher and believes she will watch the show soon, because she watched when she was younger, and has heard many great things. Recently there was another movie released in 2019 “The Addams Family” cartoon. Senior, Cameron Jones says “ This is the last Addams Family movie I’ve seen, and I really enjoyed this movie, although it was out of my comfort zone, I think I’ll enjoy the new series as well.” Also stating that he is excited to “learn more about Wednesdays character, without relation to her family.” This show has been heavily advertised on social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Tik Tok. But Senior, Evan Pruitt says “I have not watched the show and will never watch it.” I personally really enjoyed the show a lot and would even watch it again. I love any and everything supernatural. I hope there is a second season of the show, because I believe that Wednesdays story is far from over.