Lukas Power
This week at Hillgrove I chose the topic of the floods in India. The floods have affected over 9 million people in northeastern India and Bangladesh with 300 deaths being caused by the floods it’s something we need to talk about more as its not as talked about aas many others would events going on right now. This is backed up by a Hillgrove student ollie bagel saying “I haven’t heard anything about theses floods until now and I feel like I defiantly should of” the people struggling in India need help but aren’t getting enough of it because no one’s talking about it but here comes the question should we even help them to begin with. A Hillgrove student noah ward said “even if it’s not our people being effected, we should still do our best to help out because it’s the right thing to do” but how could we help? “Send financial aid or send military to help with the clen up and rescues” said Hillgrove student Noah ward.
do these floods impact the rich or the poor more? the poor are affected more because the rich can just leave and will just leave and come back when its better while the poor don’t have the money or resources to leave so they have to say and try to survive on their own. This was agreed on by Hillgrove student jc Matlock” the poor cant just leave like the rich can they don’t have anywhere to go”.
This topic was a very strange one has many people have not heard of these floods which was the whole reason this topic was chose. But it showed how just because your haven’t heard about something dosent mean it’s not important. Im glad I chose this topic it allowed me to inform people about something they don’t know much about.
This week at Hillgrove I chose the topic of the floods in India. The floods have affected over 9 million people in northeastern India and Bangladesh with 300 deaths being caused by the floods it’s something we need to talk about more as its not as talked about aas many others would events going on right now. This is backed up by a Hillgrove student ollie bagel saying “I haven’t heard anything about theses floods until now and I feel like I defiantly should of” the people struggling in India need help but aren’t getting enough of it because no one’s talking about it but here comes the question should we even help them to begin with. A Hillgrove student noah ward said “even if it’s not our people being effected, we should still do our best to help out because it’s the right thing to do” but how could we help? “Send financial aid or send military to help with the clen up and rescues” said Hillgrove student Noah ward.
do these floods impact the rich or the poor more? the poor are affected more because the rich can just leave and will just leave and come back when its better while the poor don’t have the money or resources to leave so they have to say and try to survive on their own. This was agreed on by Hillgrove student jc Matlock” the poor cant just leave like the rich can they don’t have anywhere to go”.
This topic was a very strange one has many people have not heard of these floods which was the whole reason this topic was chose. But it showed how just because your haven’t heard about something dosent mean it’s not important. Im glad I chose this topic it allowed me to inform people about something they don’t know much about.