Audrey Wheply
Hillgrove Clubs
Here at Hillgrove, clubs have become a major way to be part of a community. There are over 40 clubs to choose from, and that’s only on the website Clubs ( Student involvement is important here. It’s good to make a status, build friendships, and encourage good behavior and clubs are a way to do it.
Popular clubs
Habitat for Humanity is a popular club. Students love it because of the outside events they participate in. “Habitat does a point system where you get service hours so you can build a house”. Emme Neargarth. Like a lot of clubs, Habitat does points, the more points one gets the closer they are to the building, where they build a house for someone in need. The people with the most points get to participate. Some of these habitat events include the “Long horn Pancake Breakfast” Brittney Young. Where Long Horn opens their doors in the morning before they start working, they make pancakes and breakfast foods while habitat members help serve and prepare the food. The “Homecoming Parade” Emme Neargarth, is a simple habitat event where you walk the homecoming parade while tossing candy out to kids.
Habitat is a yearlong club so if you are interested sign up one My Payments Plus and pay club dues. The next habitat event will be an Otters Night. Come support Hillgrove and if you’re in the club an extra point come will with the delicious meal.
Another popular club here at Hillgrove is Beta. Beta is “a service-based organization that promotes the ideas of academic achievement, character and leadership.” Beta club requires a 3.5 plus GPA and no OSS. Club members must get a minimum of 15 service hours by May. The first meeting will be on September 1st and contracts will be due by September 15th. For more information be sure to visit the Beta website Home (
Speech and Debate is also a popular club. Students get together and discuss issues that they think need to be debated. It’s a safe place to learn and elaborate on issues our society faces. If you are interested, you can still sign up. For more information talk to Dr. McClure or email [email protected].
New Expanding Clubs
Hillgrove and its students have kicked off new clubs. Girl Talk allows a safe place for girls to talk about their issues and feelings, so if you ever need to talk about anything the meetings are always there. Another new club here at Hillgrove is the Crimson Crew. Crimson Crew is a club for upperclassmen girls, this is a great club for you to join. Crimson Crew goes around and supports some of the less popular sports and events here at Hillgrove. Hillgrove’s Dance club “allows students to learn and interact with new cultures” Ava Valentine. So, if you like dancing, give our dance club a try.
When looking to get involved Hillgrove clubs are always here, make new friends and expand your comfort zone. There is always something new to try.