What Goes into a Theatre Production
Abby Barrett

Hillgrove Theatre’s most recent show called Lost Girl and it is about Wendy after she comes back from Neverland and is learning to move on with her life. Mollie Robertson plays Wendy in the production and when she talked about how it feels to be a lead she said: “To have the experience of playing a lead role is nothing but rewarding and worthwhile.” Although she loves playing Wendy, she said there are some troubles that come with it. “Memorizing a bunch of blocking and lines can be stressful, but I have the flexibility to put whatever into all my character and her scenes.”
There are a lot of things that go into a show. Braxton Lee plays Peter Pan, and talked about how much the tech people do behind the scenes. “The tech people work hard to do the work that’s essential to audience enjoyment despite the audience barely recognizing them. Sets, costumes, lighting, and sound don’t just happen on its own. It takes a team of dedicated individuals to make it all happen to further enhance the audience's experience into the story of the play.” Nobody sees the people who work in tech during the show, so they do not get much recognition, when in reality, they are the real stars of the show.
Lee and Robertson are in love in the show, which most people assume is very awkward to date and kiss on stage, and then pretend it did not happen off stage. Lee cleared the air on this by saying, “On-stage romances have nothing to do with the relationships actors have in real life. I’ve once acted with a couple who have previously gone through a break up, but pulled off a very convincing on-stage relationship. That’s just what we do. Of course, since we’re still kids it’s pretty awkward at first. But as students of the arts, we are taught to be professional about these things and understand that it is to enhance the story for the audience.” People in the theatre department are with each other on a daily so it should not come as a surprise that there are many relationships going on. There is jealousy and awkwardness all the time, but it is necessary to stay professional during shows to make the show seem the best that it can be.
The theatre department will be competing with this show on Saturday, October 26, in a one-act show competition at Kennesaw Mountain High school. Get involved by auditioning for the spring musical, Suessical.
There are a lot of things that go into a show. Braxton Lee plays Peter Pan, and talked about how much the tech people do behind the scenes. “The tech people work hard to do the work that’s essential to audience enjoyment despite the audience barely recognizing them. Sets, costumes, lighting, and sound don’t just happen on its own. It takes a team of dedicated individuals to make it all happen to further enhance the audience's experience into the story of the play.” Nobody sees the people who work in tech during the show, so they do not get much recognition, when in reality, they are the real stars of the show.
Lee and Robertson are in love in the show, which most people assume is very awkward to date and kiss on stage, and then pretend it did not happen off stage. Lee cleared the air on this by saying, “On-stage romances have nothing to do with the relationships actors have in real life. I’ve once acted with a couple who have previously gone through a break up, but pulled off a very convincing on-stage relationship. That’s just what we do. Of course, since we’re still kids it’s pretty awkward at first. But as students of the arts, we are taught to be professional about these things and understand that it is to enhance the story for the audience.” People in the theatre department are with each other on a daily so it should not come as a surprise that there are many relationships going on. There is jealousy and awkwardness all the time, but it is necessary to stay professional during shows to make the show seem the best that it can be.
The theatre department will be competing with this show on Saturday, October 26, in a one-act show competition at Kennesaw Mountain High school. Get involved by auditioning for the spring musical, Suessical.